
Here you can find all the important information about our credentials and our environmental handling. Feel free to contact us in case you have a question that you can find the response for here.

Environmental Statement

It is the policy of IT Care Ltd to do all its business in a way as to lessen or eliminate any adverse effect on the environment.

In order to achieve this, the company will:

  • Use all good environmental practices in its day to day operations.
  • Use of material sustainable sources.
  • Ensure all company vehicles meet all emission standards.
  • Always maintain high standards of cleanliness in respect of litter and waste packaging.
  • Ensure any cleaning agents used are of biodegradable nature.
  • Consider all environmental impacts of new equipment or new work undertaken.
  • Lessen the impact of any nuisance noise which would interrupt our clients working environment.
  • Respect all clients policies aimed at a better environment.
  • Recycling all the products used by our hygienists as well as recycling our own paper, tin, plastics, cartridges and cardboard in our offices which makes the greatest difference.

Health & Safety

You can find the relevant informations and credentials from our company here. Let us know if there’s any question we can help with.

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