Meet IT CARE: The Computer Hygiene Specialists.
We provide a specialised cleaning service for all your IT equipment.
Minimum disruption
Our skilled and highly trained hygienists will carry out this service with the minimum disruption to your staff during normal working hours.
Scalable service
Maintaining your IT equipment & telephones should be of prime importance for every company whether they have ten computers or one hundred.
We are where you are
We work in areas like London, Manchester, Aberdeen to Dumfries and more, but we are expanding all the time so please call if your area is not listed
Anti-Bacterial Cleaning

Cleaning products used by IT Care now contain an anti-bacterial agent to combat the spread of germs. Germs regularly found in keyboards include:
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Escherichia coli
- Salmonelli typhi
We think about hygiene all the time and we’d like to reassure our customers that we use the most effective cleaners and cleaning processes, all designed to reduce cross contamination.
Today, with health and safety high on the agenda, computer cleaning is still in great demand and with hot desking being a feature of many offices, sanitisation of keyboards and telephones is essential in order to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.
So you think your equipment is clean?
So did this client. But look at what we found!

Deep Cleaning Service
When we run a company, one big question we face is how to clean computers for a new user, but we have also wondered how to properly clean a desktop computer, what’s best to clean a laptop screen or what to clean a computer keyboard with. Truth is, not knowing how to clean your pc safely might bring thousands of losses in damaged equipment. But why is having clean and sanitized equipment so important? Let’s take a look at the most recent viral epidemics:
Swine Flu
18,449 conf. deaths, 284,000 est. (2009 pandemic)
Bird Flu
455 death as of January 2022
6,472,339 deaths
These numbers represent gigantic losses in terms of human lives and reflected on the economy too. A lot of these cases were contracted either at work or in commute to and from work. Keep your staff safe!
But why is IT care different?

Unlike some companies that charge you extra for a deep clean of your IT Equipment we here at IT Care have already been providing all our customers with a deep clean as standard. For our new customers your initial/first clean may take longer as our hygienists preform a clean to our high standards which we will then adhere on each subsequent visit. Our cleaning products are the same products that are used in base for hand sanitiser which we all use in the fight against Covid 19, if its good enough for your hands its good enough for your PC.